Php technical interview questions
1. United Nations agency is that the father of PHP ? Rasmus Lerdorf is thought because the father of PHP. 2. what's the distinction between $name and $name? $name is variable wherever as $name is reference variable like $name=sonia and $name=singh thus $sonia price is singh. You also can read this below article which is very useful for PHP & Software Developer and Digital Marketing. How to Define a variable in PHP How to define array in PHP Function use in PHP Applied AI in Software Development How Digital Marketing Works Software Improvement by Data Improvement. 3. What area unit the tactic offered in type submitting? GET and POST 4.How will we tend to get the browser properties victimization PHP? <?php echo $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’].”\n\n”; $browser=get_browser(null,true); print_r($browser); ?> 5. what's a Session? A session may be a logical object created by the PHP engine to permit you to preserve ...